Enhancing chemical weed control in drill-seeded rice by using preceding winter crops

Document Type : Research article


1 Weed Research Central Laboratory, Agriculture Research Center, Giza, Egypt

2 Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University (Assiut Branch), Egypt


In the summers of 2021 and 2022, two field experiments were conducted at Gemmeiza Research Station, Agriculture Research Center, Gharbia governorate, Egypt. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of four herbicidal combinations: FL Inpul at 20 g feddan-1 (feddan = 4200 m² = 0.420 hectares = 1.037 acres), Nominee at 0.8 L feddan-1, FL 1.5 litres feddan-1 for Basagran, 2.0 litres feddan-1 for Sitron, and FL Inpul at 20 g feddan-1, Sitron at 2.0 l feddan-1, FL Basagran at 1.5 l feddan-1 and two hand weedings in addition to the unweeded check that is beneath barseem and wheat as the previous winter crops. The main findings showed that the herbicidal combinations had a significant impact on controlling the weeds that were present, along with increasing the production and profitability of rice under either berseem or wheat; the effect was greater under barseem. Superior hand weeding was used twice under both of the previous crops in all cases when combining herbicidal combinations.


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