The influence of adding organic fertilizer and some stimulant substances on the growth, yield and chemical components of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) plants

Document Type : Research article


Central laboratory for Organic Farming, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt


A field trial was carried out during the two experimental seasons of 2021 /2022 and 2022 /2023 to determine the effects of filter mud as organic manure, some stimulant substances and their interaction on growth traits (plant height, branch number /plant and herb dry weight /plant), fruit yield /plant and per feddan (feddan = 4200m2), essential oil %, essential oil yield /plant and per feddan, as well as, the elements of N, P and K% of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) plants. Filter mud was applied at 0, 6, 12 and 18 m3 /feddan and the treatments of stimulant substances as follows: control (no sprayed plants), yeast extract (YE) at 5 and 10 g /plant, seaweeds extract (SE) 2 and 3ml / plant, YE at 5 g / plant + SE at 2 ml /plant and YE at 10 g /plant + SE at 3 ml /plant. The obtained results indicated that the addition of filter mud at all levels resulted a significant increase in all studied characteristics, except for the low one (6 m3 /feddan) of such manure, mostly. Clearly, applying the high level (18 m3 /feddan) of filter mud was the most effective treatment in augmenting all examined traits. In regard to stimulant substances, all measurements significantly elevated due to foliar spray with these substances, either single or together at all concentrations, except for the low concentration (5 g /plant) of yeast extract, mostly. Foliar spray with the combined treatment (10 g /plant yeast extract + 3ml /plant seaweeds extract) proved to be more effective in increasing all tested parameters. In general, plants grown in organic conditions (filter mud) at the high level (18 m3 /feddan) plus foliar spray with the combined treatment (yeast extract at 10 g /plant + seaweeds extract at 3 ml /plant) gave the most effective treatment in elevating the growth, fruit yield, essential oil % and yield, as well as the elements of N, P and K %.


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