Influences of raw and germinated quinoa seeds flour on the chemical, technological and sensory properties of pan bread

Document Type : Research article


Food Science and Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University, Assiut 71524, Egypt


This study aimed to incorporation of raw and germinated quinoa seed flour for wheat flour (72% extraction) by different levels (5, 10 and 15%) to take advantage of its many nutritional benefits. Incorporation of quinoa seed flour of raw and germinated obviously (P≥0.05) in composite flours blend increased in protein, fat, crude fiber and ash with increasing replacement ratio. Results of chemical analyses indicated that incorporation of raw and germinated quinoa into bread formula obviously (P≥0.05) increased each of protein, fat and crude fiber and indispensable essential amino acid (EAA) contents with increasing supplementing levels. The amino acids composition revealed that supplemented bread with flours of raw and germinated quinoa contained the most of EAA and will cover a highly percentages of reference protein pattern of FAO/WHO (1973). The mineral contents of composite flours bread from raw and germinated quinoa almost were higher than the control sample bread. Germination process of quinoa seed flour caused a decrease in the most of minerals compared with the raw quinoa bread (un-treatment). The sensory evaluation results of supplemented bread showed that a maximum of 10% germinated quinoa flour can be incorporated to make acceptable quality bread. While bread containing raw quinoa flour was less acceptable to the panelists as compared with the control bread.
