Study the effect of spraying growth regulators on flowering, fruit set and yield of Haied and Amal apricot cultivars

Document Type : Research article


Horticulture Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt


This study was conducted during two successive seasons of 2016 and 2017 on Haied and Amal apricot cultivars trees (5 years old) grown at 5 x 4 meters apart in Sandy soil of a private orchard at Nobaria, Beheira governorate. The treatments including Hockley Alpha the commercial name of (Naphthyl acetic acid 45%,  Naphthyl acetamide 1.20%) sprayed alone at 120 g / 200 L of water and Nano Bloom the commercial name of (Naphthyl acetic acid 2%, Naphsoxy acetic acid 3%, Cytokinin 1.40%, Gibberellin 0.75%, Oxyinat 0.009%, Vitamin B, H, K 20%, Phosphorus 20%, Boron 3%, Cobalt 0.1%, Molybdium 0.01% and improved substances and its fillings 52.89%) sprayed alone at 20 g / 100 L of water and the control (sprayed with water) all of them were sprayed twice (at 50 to 60 % of the flowering and Initial fruit set each season) on both apricot cultivars. Hockley Alpha and Nano Bloom treatments reduced percentage of fruit drop, increased percentage of retained fruit and increased fruit yield (kg/tree) of the two cultivars compared with control in the two studied seasons. Economic study cleared, spraying Hockley Alpha or Nano Bloom increased yield and total income /feddan (feddan = 1.038 acres) LE of Haied and Amal cvs. with lowest coast.


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