Economic analysis of the impact of exchange rate changes on the production costs of wheat crop in Egypt

Document Type : Research article


Agricultural Economics Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University, Assuit, Egypt


The decline in the exchange rate of the Egyptian pound and the decline in domestic production of wheat crop and its inadequacy for domestic consumption of wheat, and as the population widens the food gap of wheat and increases its cost. The study was based on descriptive and quantitative analysis methods to analyze the data on the subject of the study through the use of certain mathematical and statistical methods, The increase in costs was shown at an annual rate of increase influenced by changes in the exchange rate of the Egyptian pound estimated at 584.5 pounds per acre, at an annual rate of change of about 18.98% of the average, while the moral its of its impact on the total costs did not prove to be fixed prices because the stabilization of prices disappeared the impact of exchange rate changes. Recommendations suggested by farmers were as follows:
1. The need to provide production supplies at appropriate prices to encourage farmers and reduce dependence on abroad to provide foreign currency.
2. Search for alternatives to production supplies and encourage the industry of the national imported alternative.


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